
One reason (actually the only reason) you are not getting the results you want

One afternoon during a break at our latest Mind Vault Intensive, one my clients closed a $12,000 sale with a new client.

That’s pretty cool, wouldn’t you say?

Of course, she did it herself, but the correlation is no accident.

why-not-youWe spent the morning focused on a fundamental principle of creative success. This principle is stated in many ways in multiple sources that I’ve been intensely studying over the past few years.

I happen to love this particular quote from Sonia Choquette’s book, Your Heart’s Desire, which captures the principle perfectly:

“What you consciously desire and what you subconsciously believe about that desire must be in agreement for you to succeed.”

This principle is elaborated on extensively in my latest book, Clear Your Hidden Profit Blockers. If you desire to be more profitable but aren’t getting the result, then you have a gap of either strategy, skillset, or mindset.

The mindset gap is essentially the degree of disagreement between your conscious desire and your subconscious belief about that desire.

If your conscious desire and subconscious belief about that desire are not in agreement, which one wins?

The subconscious. ALWAYS.

You may power through and get part of what you desire, but your subconscious mind will conspire to bring you back to your previous plateau, all to protect you from perceived pain.

For example, if your conscious desire (what you say externally) is that you want more clients and more income, but you aren’t taking the action to do it, then your subconscious belief about that desire (what you say internally) is winning the day.

That subconscious belief can take many forms, including:

  • More business will wreck my lifestyle.
  • More business will put pressure on my marriage or my health.
  • I’ll be judged for making more money and being “rich.”
  • If I don’t sustain the new level of my business, I’ll be a failure, so why bother.
  • I’m not deserving of the new house that I want the money for, so why put in all the work.
  • I’ll have to grind it out to prove myself.
  • I don’t have the credentials to do what I want.
  • And the list goes on…

Notice that all of these beliefs are pretty much garbage.

But if they are residing in your embodied belief system, they will win out. They lurk beneath the surface, weighing you down and keeping you anchored.

Once the underlying subconscious belief is brought out of hiding and cleared, then the conscious desire is free to move forward into full expression.

By the way, this story represents why I call this event the Mind Vault Intensive. You have wealth and opportunity locked in the vault of your mind, right now.

I simply help you open it up and get what’s already there.

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