Ep #19: Leading Transformation at Scale

In previous episodes, we’ve talked about the distinction between the additive and transformative growth and the big opportunities as the entrepreneurial CEO. One major challenge that people run up against when planning on creating a new business is not knowing what to do about their current business. On this episode, Ron Wilder explains what you need…

Ep #18: What’s Your Company’s “Do”?

In today’s technologically interconnected environment, you can pretty much source any technology that you want on the entire planet. The underlying principles of business in which you create and deliver value to your customer are also essentially the same across the board. So what makes YOUR company unique? In the words like judo, aikido, tae…

Ep #17: Everyone is a Consultant

In today’s, increasingly specialized and knowledge-intensive economy, clients expect a certain level of a consultative mindset and skill set from most businesses and CEOs across many different markets. In order to stay competitive in this environment, it is important for all entrepreneurs to be able to wear a consultant hat when necessary, no matter their industry…

Ep #16: Get It vs Want It

As a CEO and an entrepreneur, you spend a large portion of your time trying to persuade, influence or pitch people on your ideas and innovations. In order to be able to convince those people to accept your offer, it’s important to recognize the distinction between “get it” and “want it.” Today, Ron Wilder helps…