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The Power of Skip-Level Listening

I’m working with a finance organization to help them create the culture and capacity to be trusted business partners. The organization supports several diverse business units and consists of a VP, directors, managers, and staff. Their vision is to grow well beyond the traditional role of finance to be true partners leading and supporting the…

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The Power of Context

Creating context is an essential and tremendously powerful leadership and management concept to understand and to utilize. Context is defined as “the part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning”. It comes from the Latin contextere meaning to join together or to weave. The key idea…


“Trust Me”: The Modern-day Equivalent of “Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do & die”

When I was a kid, I loved to watch reruns of The Little Rascals.  In my favorite episode, “Two Too Young,” Alfalfa must recite the famous poem, The Charge of the Light Brigade.   In this poem, Lord Tennyson memorializes the disastrous and suicidal charge of a British light cavalry brigade during the Crimean War. In…