The Value of Intangibles
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The Value of Intangibles

Question: My service is really based on intangibles. How do I set my fees when I’m not delivering anything tangible? There are several ways during a client conversation to assess the value of intangibles. I’ll cover those down below. But first, there is a fundamental mindset shift you must make. This is critical. Value is…

The Entrepreneur’s Moment of Truth — What Do You Charge?
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The Entrepreneur’s Moment of Truth — What Do You Charge?

Imagine that I wave my magic wand, and, presto! You are now sitting right in front of your ideal client. (How you got here is actually not magic, but that is a related topic for another day.) You are having a great conversation so far — you’ve engaged them around their goals, dreams, opportunities, and challenges….

The Power of Customer Action/Reflection/Action
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The Power of Customer Action/Reflection/Action

I write and speak frequently about the distinction between busy vs. effective. Lots of people are busy. Few are truly effective. It is essential that you know the difference. Is the action you’re taking effective? When the marketplace is constantly changing, how do you know that the action you are taking as a company is…