The Entrepreneur’s Moment of Truth — What Do You Charge?
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The Entrepreneur’s Moment of Truth — What Do You Charge?

Imagine that I wave my magic wand, and, presto! You are now sitting right in front of your ideal client. (How you got here is actually not magic, but that is a related topic for another day.) You are having a great conversation so far — you’ve engaged them around their goals, dreams, opportunities, and challenges….

Saying NO
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Saying NO

As a business coach, I found this article from the Wall Street Journal on saying “no” to be very interesting. Nearly everyone I know, including myself, friends, colleagues, and all of my clients, from the small business owner to the corporate CEO, faces this challenge on a regular basis. Saying no effectively is ultimately about being…

Are Your Enrollment Conversations Too Pleasant?

One of Steve Chandler’s 18 Disciplines for enrolling coaching clients is to “sell the experience, not the concept.” Rather than abstractly describe what you do, actually do it so that the client’s decision is to “continue, not to start.” Our enrollment conversations are likely the first substantial experience our potential clients have with us. Of…

Ask Ron: Do I Have a Sales Problem?

Ask Ron: Do I Have a Sales Problem?

A business coach asks: My practice is doing ok, but I don’t have enough ideal clients.  I have a few clients who are great, although they aren’t paying me what I’m worth.  I have several clients who are total energy drains and not worth it.   Obviously I’ve been successfully in signing up these clients, so…