
Value Creation vs. Competition

A key theme from last week’s Value Creation Intensive was Creation vs. Competition.

We started with a quote from Wallace Wattles:

“You are to create, not to compete for what is already created.”

Conventional business is about competitive positioning. How is our stuff better than the competition? How can we get the client to choose us over them?

Value-Creation-vs.-CompetitionWe approached the conversation from a completely different plane: the creative plane.

When you meet with a client and are operating from the creative plane, you are coming from a place of value creation by asking this question:

What is possible if we work together that is not possible otherwise?

How will that create value?

Not shift it around, but create something completely new. The creative plane is one of abundance and expansion.

When you operate from the creative plane, you are completely differentiated from your market — since the vast majority of people operate on the competitive plane. The competitive plane is one of lack, scarcity, and fear.

You operate from your zone of genius. Business is a lot more fun — not to mention highly profitable.

Being a “fierce competitor” is a badge of honor in many fields.

Instead, be a “fierce creator.”

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